Fashion Is All About Eventually Becoming Naked
Written on 4/06/2009 07:11:00 AM by Jasper12.01u
I don't actually know who said the quote that is the title of this post lol. But yeah so I'm feeling better now. I still look like a monster though. :'(
Anywaaaaaaaaayys we're going SHOE SHOPPING todaaay!!! Yay! :D :D :D
That aside, on account of AMUNC (Asia-Pacific Model of United Nations Council), which I'm gonna attend this July in Australia, I've been looking for jackets and coats and such![!!!]
I've still got lots from my days in the States, I know, but I'm a girl! I can't help it! If I could, I'd want to be able to shop for every occasion!
But then again there is this little thing called a budget constraint hehehe...
Anyways here's a list of jackets, bomber jackets to be exact (which I've always loved), that I like but probably won't be able to buy (myself, I mean).
The cheapest one is $195.65 and it's this fabulous DKNY Silk Bomber Jacket.
Here are the rest:
Philosophy di Alberta Ferretti
Cropped Cotton Jacket
Cropped Cotton Jacket
Washed-Leather Bomber Jacket
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Washed-Leather Bomber Jacket