Shred Your Shirts Until Your Hands Bleed.
Written on 4/06/2009 08:18:00 AM by Jasper12.01u
Guess what I'm doing?!!!
Yes my hand hurts from so much pulling and stretching of the fabric-my dad's old shirt mind you.
But it's actually very stress-relieving![!!!]
I've still got a long way to go... And I still have to do the back of the shirt.
Anyways, I've always loved DIY. Right now I've got this shirts project which involves a lot of cutting, shredding, dyeing and stuffs. Another ongoing project is on accessories; headbands, necklaces and bracelets.
Super EXCITED!!! :D
My latest inspiration comes from deedoubleyou on Etsy for her fabulous Josephine head wraps. :DCan't wait to finish this project so I can start another one!!! :D