

Written on 5/22/2009 10:36:00 AM by Jasper12.01u

So I have been eyeing shoes for work these few days. As well as pants.

Unfortunately the shoes that I want are incredibly expensive for my budget.
And so I decided to have them custom made.

After I pick up my sisters I'm gonna go to a shoemaker to have these babies done:

Giuseppe Zanotti Platform gladiator sandals

Giuseppe Zanotti Cutout rivet sandals

Balmain Crystal panel sandals

But I'm gonna have to make them all in chunky platform heels just because I wouldn't have it other wise. ;)

Gotta get going. Bye! :) :) :)

Images are courtesy of


The shoemaker was out and I couldn't have the shoes done... But I brought home this very cute vintage-looking dress with gold flower buttons lol. ;)

So it was a HAPPY day! :)

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  1. ChikitaRosemarie |

    gosh, i've always love balmain!! great pick tan :D

    and i love the fact that you picked chunky heels, they are much more comfortable than stilletos ;) *for sure!!*

    bikin sepatunya dmn tan? gw biasanya bkn di bandung, pgn nyari yg dketan tp ga repot jalan ksananya :)

    p.s. what do u think bout the a.i's result?? sucks, ey?

  2. Jasper12.01u |

    Bikin sm temen nyokap chik. Beliau emang gk open shop gt tp bikinin gr" anaknya temen haha.
    Yea it sucked bad. But u cant really blame anyone besides america. The votes were in. It was fair game.
    No use complaining now that adam didnt win. They shoulda just called/txted and voted from the beginning. This is the kind of thing simon keeps telling america: vote bc u like them and not out of pity or bc u think ur idol's safe u vote for somebody else.

  3. Jasper12.01u |

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    ah i love theses Balmain Crystal panel sandals... just this price ...


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