Morning poetry and prose I.


Written on 3/01/2009 07:24:00 AM by Jasper12.01u

6:22 AM 3/1/2009
A late night call
23.30 PM
and we talked
because I missed you

I could imagine us
lying each in our own bed
with our eyes closed

and nothing but each others' voices
filling our ears
contemplating the existence
of our lives
of our love

You told me to stop thinking
of the impossible
that it would do no good
to imagine the possibilities

our meeting was that
of a divine intervention
and that was that

No what ifs and what nots
no what should have or
what could have been
for we have each other now
and that is all we need to know

for in GOD's Book HE had written
for our wanderings
to cross each other's path
6:41 AM 3/1/2009

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