Shopping is ALWAYS a pleasure. :D
Written on 3/04/2009 06:28:00 PM by Jasper12.01u
6:13 PM 3/4/2009
I just got back from PIM!!! There was nothing good. :'(
So today Auditing II was canceled. Man that sucked. And I knew that when I was already halfway back from Citos to Depok! If I had known before I would have gone home already. :'(
Anywaaaaays, we, that is Nanda and I, wasted our time at PIM. We initially went to pick out Tio (Nanda's bf) a present, but we ended up picking out stuffs for ourselves hehe.
Soooo, now I'm so tired. What I wouldn't give for a nice massage hehehe. ;)
6:24 PM 3/4/2009
6:33 PM 3/4/2009
LOL. Oh yea I just remembered. Before we, Nanda and I, went to PIM, we went to Citos, another mall and one of our favorite hang out places in South Jakarta.
It was LADIES' DAY!!!
They held this bazaar with a pretty economical price. :) Well most are very economical.
Unfortunately the stuffs they sold there today didn't quite appeal to me. So I went home empty handed.
I actually liked this dress but it was like SO overpriced that I didn't buy it, meanwhile Nanda went home with this real cute blue dress for Rp400.000,-
But tomorrow I'm going shopping again. This time with Echie and Dania hehe. YAY for SHOPPING!!! :D
I hope tomorrow I get to buy cute skirts! I like this cute skirt in Girlfriend magazine, and it was sold in N.y.L.a. but when I searched for it in PIM's N.y.L.a. they didn't have it anymore!!! I'll post the pic later. :'(
I'll post pics of me and Nanda shopping as soon as Nanda posted it on facebook hehe. :D
Once again YAY for SHOPPING!!! :D
6:41 PM 3/4/2009 If you enjoyed this post Subscribe to our feed