Specs. :-*


Written on 3/26/2009 06:53:00 AM by Jasper12.01u

I wear glasses. And after my favorite pair of glasses, half-frame and shocking lime green, went missing/got stolen Idk, I decided to wear contact lenses.

After wearing ordinary clear ones, I went crazy for about three months and wore purple contact lenses, which--as oddly as it may sound--suited me[!] Shocking, I know.

Now I'm wearing light brown, which people said made me look like a bule, the Bahasa Indonesia equivalent of gringa.

But lately wearing contact lenses bore me. It took too much time and I started to wear my old glasses, a silver square one with snakeskin for the handles.

The things is, one of those little plastic thingies that was supposed to hold up your nose went missing. And now I want a new one. Like the one in the pic posted above. :D

Don't you think it looks absolutely cute?

Well if you don't, I still do anyways. ;) Hehe.

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